OSHA Proposes Regulation on Injury and Illness Records Reporting

OSHA Proposes Regulation on Injury and Illness Records Reporting

December 12, 2013

Since 1929 the WPMA has taken the responsibility to make its members aware of any proposed legislation, or regulations that could affect their businesses. We have always been looking to help our members improve their bottom lines, and make them able to compete in a global economy.  The proposed OSHA changes will require businesses to do more reporting than ever, and may make it harder for companies to remain profitable.


How This Could Affect You

The proposed regulations would require employers subject to the recordkeeping requirements to submit their records directly to OSHA. The agency will then publish those records online in a searchable database that lists the company, location, and specific data on the injury or illness.


Initially companies with 250 or more employees will be required to submit records on a quarterly basis. Companies with 20 or more employees will be required to submit on an annual basis. Still other employers, who OSHA would contact, would be required to submit more detailed information about specific injuries or illnesses. It is important to be aware of these potential changes in recordkeeping because the postings will only include specific data on the injury or illness, and will not allow for an explanation. Also, it is believed that after the first year companies of all sizes will be required to submit this information.

The proposed legislation is mentioned as a goal of the AFL-CIO submission to the Obama transition team. It specifically states

"...the agencies should leverage the impact of their interventions through highly publicized enforcement initiatives and actions and expand access to information and data on employers’ safety and health performance.”

Source, National Association of Manufacturers, November 26, 2013.


These changes would require businesses to do more reporting than ever, and make it harder for our companies to remain profitable. If you would like to read the reports feel free to visit the following website:

http://www.wpma.org/media/Federal  Register Notice.pdf


If you would like to comment on the proposed changes please contact:

Joe Trauger, NAM




Amanda Wood, NAM




Finally, if you have any questions please feel free to contact:

Philip Bibeau
